Studies have shown that there is an important connection between healthy nutrition, the reduction of diseases, physical and mental well-being, as well as increased thinking performance. This knowledge has spurred us on to develop a useful and effective healthy eating tool for students. Our programme, which began in England, will first be used in France, Spain and Germany.... and will soon be used all over the world! We at IWUINU are working hard to implement our project - but to be able to establish it internationally, we need YOUR SUPPORT!


An important part of our project is international communication, as it helps us to check the progress of the work at the different locations. Therefore, we are constantly looking for new people for our communication department who are first and foremost highly motivated, have a strong sense of nutrition and, ideally, additional foreign language skills. With your help, we want to raise awareness of agriculture and the environment among students around the world and encourage them to rethink their food choices so that they opt for healthy organic food. We also aim to work with student associations to talk about their image of healthy eating so that we can better address their specific needs.  We are also very interested in research that looks more closely at nutrition and, in this context, at student health. With the help of studies, we would like to substantiate our actions with the necessary scientific facts and thus educate the world about the necessity and urgency of our project. So if you are interested in our project and would like to support us, write to us and become a partner!

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Time is running out! During the outbreak of the pandemic and the quarantine that followed, more and more students opted out of cooking and for online delivery due to financial, mobile and time constraints, and have continued this habit even after the quarantine. As mentioned on the 'Our Story' page, major food insecurity is one of the main triggers for junk food consumption. Students are already subsisting on fast food for months and maybe even years because of this pandemic-increased insecurity, if we don't do something about it now!


While short-term effects may not be immediately apparent at first glance, the long-term damage is fatal. As we have already explained in more detail on the page "Nutrition", the malnutrition described above seriously weakens the immune system, which in times of a worldwide pandemic can not only result in illness, but can even be fatal. Due to the facts described, an immediate change in the students' diet is essential. However, since many of them do not manage on their own to rethink their eating habits and break out of the pattern, we would like to offer them support in choosing a balanced diet.


With the help of our app, students will be able to get an overview of all the organic food shops in the area and get a discount on the products. We partner with any market that specialises in fresh, organic food: farmers, organic shops, markets, supermarkets, etc. This way, we aim to help students make the right choices. In this way, we pursue the goal of providing students with good and affordable food to guarantee them good nutrition and, at the same time, provide for their health.


However, the foundation that makes any charity come alive is the solidarity actions of our fellow human beings. That's why we work hard to organise fundraising events for our student aid to ensure their future. So if you have a friend or family member suffering from malnutrition, if you are affected yourself, or simply if you are willing to take responsibility and actively do something sustainable to improve the present and the future of students, DONATE to our IWUINU PROGRAM ! We are sending out an appeal for donations to all people who would like to support us in saving the students! Every donation means one less student falling ill. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

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